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Employee Handbook

Employment Review Policy


This policy ensures all employees receive structured feedback, an opportunity to discuss their performance, and set goals for growth. Reviews will occur at regular intervals, independent of salary adjustments.

1. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, regardless of position or employment status.

2. Frequency of Reviews

Mandatory Reviews:

All employees will have a formal performance review at least once every two years.

Additional reviews may be conducted as needed (e.g., after significant projects, role changes, or at the request of the employee or manager).

3. Review Process

a) Scheduling:

Reviews will be scheduled in advance to ensure adequate preparation time for both the employee and the manager.

b) Discussion Topics:

Assessment of the employee’s performance over the past two years.

Feedback on strengths and areas for improvement.

Setting goals for the upcoming period

Addressing employee concerns or suggestions

c) Outcome Documentation:

A summary of the review, including goals and agreed-upon action items, will be recorded and shared with the employee.

4. Salary and Compensation

Performance Reviews Are Not Linked to Salary Adjustments:

A performance review does not guarantee or imply a salary increase. Compensation decisions are made separately and are based on company policy, budget, and role-specific criteria.

5. Confidentiality

All reviews and documentation are confidential and accessible only to the employee, their manager, and authorized HR personnel.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

Managers: Conduct reviews on schedule and provide honest, constructive feedback.

Employees: Actively participate in the review process and work on identified goals.

Upper Management: Ensure reviews are conducted as scheduled and provide necessary support.

7. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and supports employee development. For questions or clarification, contact your manager.

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