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Employee Handbook

Termination of Employment


Terminations are to be treated in a confidential, professional manner by all involved. Upon termination, employees are entitled to receive all earned pay and/or commissions and vacation pay.


Reference to just cause includes:

  • A material breach of the employee’s employment agreement or the Business’s employment policies;

  • Unacceptable performance;

  • Theft, dishonesty or falsifying records, including providing false information as part of an application for employment;

  • Intentional destruction, improper use or abuse of our property;

  • Violence in the workplace;

  • Obscene conduct at our premises or during company-related functions elsewhere;

  • Harassment of co-workers, supervisors, managers, clients, suppliers or other individuals associated with the Business;

  • Insubordination or willful refusal to take directions;

  • Intoxication or impairment in the workplace;

  • Repeated, unwarranted, and willful lateness, absenteeism or failure to report to work; consistent early departure from work.

  • Personal conduct that prejudices the Business’s reputation, services, or morale.

  • Upon termination for cause, the employee shall be provided with a written summary of the reasons(s) for dismissal.


Upon the end of employment for any reason, an employee shall return all items of any kind created or used pursuant to the employee’s service or furnished by us, including but not limited to computers, mobile devices, reports, files, manuals, literature, confidential information, or other materials, which shall remain and be considered the exclusive property of the Business.

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