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Employee Handbook

Drug and Alcohol Policy


Employees are strictly prohibited from reporting to work and engaging in work while impaired by drugs, alcohol or other substances (including cannabis) which may cause impairment.

The use, possession, transfer, or sale of any illegal substance on our premises or in any parking lot or work site is strictly prohibited. However, if any employee requires accommodation due to a disability (such as substance abuse issues) or as a result of being prescribed medically required drugs (including cannabis), the worker should immediately report his or her condition to management in confidence.


“Impairment” or “being impaired” means that an employee’s normal physical or mental abilities, or faculties, while at work have been detrimentally affected by the use of substances (legal or illegal, including cannabis) as determined by the Business in its sole discretion.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, “impairment” includes the inability to perform work duties safely, competently, or efficiently.


Any employee who reports for work impaired will not be allowed to work and any worker who is found to be impaired while working will not be allowed to continue working. If, in the opinion of management, the employee is considered impaired, the employee shall be sent home by taxi or another safe means of transportation. An impaired employee shall not be allowed to drive under any circumstances.

Subject to any overriding obligations at law (such as a duty to accommodate a disability), any employee who violates this policy by either reporting to work impaired, becoming impaired at work or working while impaired is guilty of serious workplace misconduct and can be subject to severe disciplinary action including immediate dismissal for cause.

The Business recognizes that an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or other illegal substances can qualify as a “disability” for purposes of human rights legislation and will accommodate any disability up to the point of undue hardship.

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